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English Speaking Course

Ratings (4.5)
150 Hours
Daily Live Online Classes
150 Videos
Training by Instructors
Practice Group
Speak with Confidence
Notes, Online Test
Course Certificate

About Course

This detailed syllabus is designed to guide beginners through the foundational aspects of spoken English, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging learning experience that builds confidence and practical communication skills.

Course Objectives
  • Develop Basic Communication Skills. मूलभूत संचार कौशल विकसित करें|
  • Develop English reading,writing,listening and speaking skills.
    अंग्रेजी पढ़ने, लिखने, सुनने और बोलने के कौशल का विकास करें|
  • Enhance Pronunciation and Listening Skills | उच्चारण और सुनने के कौशल को बढ़ाएं|
  • Speak English fluently with confidence | आत्मविश्वास के साथ धाराप्रवाह अंग्रेजी बोलें|

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1. Understanding English as a Global Language
  • Importance of English in Communication
    • Role of English in international business, education, and travel
    • English as a bridge language in multicultural settings
  • Scope of Learning English in Daily Life
    • Enhancing career opportunities
    • Facilitating access to information and media
    • Enabling participation in global conversations
2. Basics of English Grammar
  • Sentence Structure
    • Identifying subjects, verbs, and objects in simple sentences
    • Constructing basic affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences
  • Types of Sentences
    • Declarative: Making statements (e.g., "I like coffee.")
    • Interrogative: Asking questions (e.g., "Do you like coffee?")
    • Exclamatory: Expressing strong emotions (e.g., "What a beautiful day!")
    • Imperative: Giving commands or requests (e.g., "Please sit down.")
3. Common Phrases & Expressions
  • Greetings
    • Formal greetings: "Good morning," "How do you do?"
    • Informal greetings: "Hi," "Hey," "What's up?"
  • Introduction
    • Introducing oneself: "My name is..."
    • Introducing others: "This is my friend..."
  • Asking for Information
    • Simple inquiries: "Where is the restroom?" "What time is it?"

1. English Sounds
  • Introduction to Vowels and Consonants
    • Classification of sounds: vowels (a, e, i, o, u) vs. consonants
    • Articulation points and manner of speech for different sounds
  • Short vs. Long Vowel Sounds
    • Differentiating and practicing short (e.g., /ɪ/ in "sit") vs. long vowels (e.g., /i:/ in "seat")
2. Syllable Stress
  • Word Stress Patterns
    • Identifying stressed syllables in multi-syllable words
    • Practicing stress placement to improve comprehensibility
  • Importance of Stress in Communication
    • How stress affects meaning and understanding
    • Examples of word stress changing sentence meaning
3. Pronunciation Practice
  • Commonly Mispronounced Words
    • Targeting frequent pronunciation errors (e.g., "th" sounds, "r" and "l" distinction)
  • Minimal Pairs
    • Practicing pairs like "ship vs. sheep," "bat vs. bet" to distinguish similar sounds
  • Intonation and Rhythm in Sentences
    • Rising and falling intonation patterns
    • Natural speech rhythm and linking sounds

1. Everyday Vocabulary
  • Common Objects, People, and Places
    • Vocabulary related to home, school, workplace, and community
  • Household Items, Office Items, and Outdoor Locations
    • Specific terms for different environments (e.g., "furniture," "stationery," "park")
2. Topic-Specific Vocabulary for daily use.
3. Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Expanding Vocabulary through Similar Meanings
    • Learning words with similar meanings to avoid repetition
    • Exercises to match synonyms
  • Understanding Opposite Meanings
    • Building vocabulary by learning antonyms
    • Practice activities to use antonyms in sentences

1. Parts of Speech
  • Nouns and Pronouns
    • Types of nouns (common, proper, countable, uncountable)
    • Usage of pronouns (subject, object, possessive)
  • Verbs
    • Action verbs vs. linking verbs
    • Regular and irregular verbs
  • Adjectives and Adverbs
    • Describing nouns and modifying verbs
    • Comparative and superlative forms
  • Prepositions and Conjunctions
    • Common prepositions of place, time, and movement
    • Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions
2. Tenses
  • Introduction to Present, Past, and Future Tenses
    • Simple present, simple past, and simple future
  • Simple, Continuous, and Perfect Tenses with Examples
    • Present continuous: "I am eating."
    • Present perfect: "I have eaten."
    • Future perfect: "I will have eaten."
3. Questions & Negatives
  • Forming Yes/No Questions
    • Structure and examples (e.g., "Are you coming?")
  • WH-Questions
    • Formulating questions with who, what, where, when, why, how
  • Making Negative Sentences
    • Using "not" with verbs (e.g., "I do not like.")
    • Negative contractions (e.g., "don't," "isn't")

1. Basic Conversations
  • Meeting New People
    • Small talk starters and responses
    • Exchanging personal information (name, occupation)
  • Asking and Giving Directions
    • Vocabulary for places and landmarks
    • Phrases for giving clear instructions
  • Shopping
    • Asking for prices, sizes, colors
    • Expressing preferences and making selections
2. Telephone Etiquette
  • Answering and Making Calls
    • Standard greetings and introductions over the phone
    • Transferring calls and basic phone vocabulary
  • Leaving and Taking Messages
    • How to leave clear and concise messages
    • Confirming message details
3. Making Small Talk
  • Discussing Weather, Hobbies, and Interests
    • Common topics and related vocabulary
    • Phrases to express opinions and ask follow-up questions
  • Polite Ways to Start and End a Conversation
    • Opening lines and closing statements
    • Using polite expressions (e.g., "It was nice talking to you," "Have a great day!")

1. Introducing Yourself
  • Practicing Formal and Informal Introductions
    • Scenarios: business meeting vs. casual gathering
    • Vocabulary and phrases for different contexts
  • Role-Play in a Classroom, Workplace, or Social Setting
    • Simulated interactions to build confidence
    • Feedback sessions to improve delivery
2. Ordering at a Restaurant
  • Asking for a Menu and Making Selections
    • Vocabulary for dishes, beverages, and utensils
    • Phrases for expressing dietary preferences or restrictions
  • Making Special Requests
    • Requesting modifications (e.g., "No onions, please.")
    • Handling misunderstandings politely
3. Doctor's Appointment
  • Describing Symptoms and Health Issues
    • Vocabulary for common ailments and body parts
    • Phrases for explaining how you feel
  • Asking for Treatment and Booking Appointments
    • Making appointments over the phone or in person
    • Understanding and following doctor's instructions

1.Active Listening
  • Techniques for Improving Listening Skills
    • Paying attention, avoiding distractions
    • Note-taking and summarizing key points
  • Understanding Context and Tone in Spoken English
    • Identifying speaker’s emotions and intentions
    • Recognizing formal vs. informal language
2. Comprehension Practice
  • Listening to Simple Dialogues and Answering Questions
    • Short conversations on everyday topics
    • Comprehension questions to check understanding
  • Summarizing What You Heard
    • Retelling main ideas and details from audio clips
    • Practicing paraphrasing skills
3. Watching and Learning
  • Watching Short Videos or Shows for Language Practice
    • Selecting age-appropriate and relevant content
    • Activities based on video content (e.g., Q&A, discussions)
  • Learning from Everyday Conversations in Media
    • Analyzing dialogues from TV shows, movies, or podcasts
    • Identifying useful phrases and expressions

1. Overcoming Hesitation
  • Tips to Reduce Fear and Hesitation in Speaking English
    • Positive self-talk and relaxation techniques
    • Setting achievable speaking goals
  • Speaking in Front of a Mirror or with a Partner
    • Practicing pronunciation and body language
    • Receiving constructive feedback
2. Group Discussions
  • Participating in Group Activities and Discussions
    • Structured group tasks to encourage speaking
    • Rotating roles (speaker, listener, summarizer) within groups
  • Giving Opinions and Agreeing/Disagreeing Politely
    • Phrases for expressing agreement/disagreement
    • Respectful ways to present differing viewpoints
3. Presentation Skills
  • Delivering Short Talks on Familiar Topics
    • Selecting topics of personal interest
    • Organizing thoughts and structuring presentations
  • Using Proper Gestures, Tone, and Body Language
    • Non-verbal communication techniques
    • Practicing expressive and engaging delivery

1. Reading Aloud
  • Benefits of Reading Aloud for Pronunciation and Fluency
    • Enhancing pronunciation accuracy
    • Building speaking rhythm and pace
  • Reading Simple Stories, Dialogues, or News Articles
    • Selecting age-appropriate and engaging materials
    • Practicing with varied content to improve versatility
2. Summarizing & Explaining
  • How to Summarize a Text in Your Own Words
    • Identifying main ideas and supporting details
    • Techniques for concise and clear summarization
  • Explaining a Story or Event in Spoken English
    • Retelling narratives with proper sequencing
    • Using descriptive language to convey events effectively

1. Writing Short Sentences
  • Writing Simple Sentences for Everyday Situations
    • Constructing clear and grammatically correct sentences
    • Practicing with prompts related to daily activities
  • Learning to Write Notes and Messages
    • Writing brief messages for various purposes (e.g., reminders, invitations)
    • Using appropriate tone and language for different contexts
2. Dialogues & Conversations
  • Writing Simple Dialogues to Practice Speaking
    • Creating realistic conversations based on common scenarios
    • Incorporating new vocabulary and phrases
  • Role-Playing Written Dialogues
    • Acting out written dialogues to enhance speaking skills
    • Emphasizing natural flow and intonation
3. Journaling
  • Journaling
    • Keeping a Daily Journal to Improve Vocabulary
      • Writing about daily experiences, thoughts, and feelings
      • Encouraging the use of new words and expressions
    • Writing About Daily Activities, Thoughts, and Plans
      • Structuring journal entries with clear beginnings, middles, and ends
      • Reflecting on personal growth and language progress

1. Revisiting Key Concepts
  • Review of Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation Topics
    • Comprehensive revision sessions covering all units
    • Interactive quizzes and games to reinforce learning
  • Identifying Common Mistakes and Clarifying Doubts
    • Addressing recurring errors through targeted practice
    • Providing additional explanations and examples
2. Speaking Tests & Practice
  • Mock Interviews and Speaking Assessments
    • Simulating real-life speaking scenarios for practice
    • Providing feedback on performance and areas for improvement
  • Group Discussions on Familiar Topics
    • Encouraging collaborative speaking exercises
    • Building fluency through interactive participation
3. Feedback & Improvement
  • Analyzing Strengths and Areas for Improvement
    • Personalized feedback based on performance in various activities
    • Setting individual goals for continued progress
  • Personalized Tips for Continuous Improvement
    • Strategies for ongoing practice outside the classroom
    • Resources for self-study and language enhancement

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